The Story Behind Tinocity
First of all, I am not a graphics person that does IT images, I am an IT person that attempts to do graphics. 😁
The story is simple enough, and whose root can be found starting with my original character Tino (click "The Origins" button on the main menu). Once Tino was created I had to go further and create other characters that reminded me of other IT staff and teams. Being in the IT business for most of my adult life, I've performed in many roles which gives me a particularly good insight into what each character endures on any given day. So, it was an easy leap to go from that IT tenacity to my team of robots in Tinocity (pronounced tin-nah-city).
As you watch them in their evolution you will see the characters go from simple sketches to vector art, to 3D modeling, and a combination of each. A quick nod to Corel and Blender.
I realize that not everyone will get all the humor in the comic strips unless you are, or have been influenced by, a geek. So, give a big hug to that geek that you know. They suffer so you don't have to...