
This member of the Tinocity team was developed based on the ENS (Enterprise Network Services) team, and their fearless leader and serves as inspiration for the character Enos. Overall, Enos' entire body is designed to collapse into a ball. I felt that this is a necessary feature, since I do believe the team does get kicked around a lot. Being treated this way lends itself to Enos having a very weary looking set of optic sensors for eyes. Now, the rest of Enos' features are firmly planted on characteristics I have associated with the ENS leader over the years. For instance, for those of you who didn't know him, you understand why there is an Expletive Cancellation Unit built into Enos' mouth, which has actually been known to fail on occasion. In Enos' torso is a dual-purpose Sedative Dispenser. It is able to dispense four different dosages based on a given event, and tensions thereof, and is able to be provided to both the team and the site techs. Enos was also designed with a "just in case" feature, which is his pointed "easy insertion" feet. I am not aware of the ENS leader ever planting his foot anywhere, although probably sorely tempted, but decided if Enos ever did, it be nice to make it easy on him. I will know when the ENS team reads this because I may, or may not, start having mysterious VPN issues.