
Over the years, this team has gone by many names (from Field Services to Enterprise Technical Support Services).  However, when this robot came into being, the team was known as Customer Support Services or CSS.  Therefore, he was dubbed with the moniker of Casius, and given some of the physical attributes of the team’s director at the time. Casius was built with only the basic features and functionality of a customer support person, from his foam helmet for behind closed-door responses (i.e. screaming into it or banging his head on wall), to the Reality Acceptance Optics for eyes, which equates to a wartime 1000 yard stare after experiencing too much time in the trenches.  He is also fitted with a Customer Approval Panel for a mouth, which is created in a perpetual smile, so no customer ever witnesses anything other than happiness at the opportunity to serve them.   Customer Satisfaction Sensors are built into the beard and have a direct tie into the Customer Treat Dispenser built into his chest. Working in conjunction, they allow Casius to provide different qualities of treats (which may or may not include a small sedative) to the customer based on their feedback of the quality of service rendered.  When going into an especially hostile environment (think one minute before a meeting starts and the conference room A/V is not working), Casius has the ability to lower his entire head into his body to avoid the glowering eyes of the customers.