
So, I decided that we needed a figure to represent the CIOs and AnCIOs (pronounced Ann-see-ohs) was born. I had the pleasure of knowing our new CIO when she first arrived at the company, and when she was drinking from the IT firehose to get her arms wrapped around the magnitude of its operation and starting to plot a course on how to get to where we needed to be. It was from those observations that her robot construct was developed.

If you look closely, Ancios’ body is meant to resemble an exclamation point, to represent the fact that through the whirlwind of changes to come, she was definitely making a statement. The ball used for the feet enables her to pivot very quickly in 360 different directions. The LED panels built into the lower portion are designed to display energy levels (usually pegged at the highest). Inset into the midriff are the display controls to have meetings on the fly (the buttons are for speed dialing her direct reports). The top portion is entirely a speaker (with built-in subwoofer). Some may say it is because when she speaks, you hear her. But in truth, I put it there because I always thought she spoke from her heart. Lastly, the head, like the feet, is designed to rotate 360 degrees, to be able to speak to someone in one direction while moving in another, shift attention very quickly during a meeting, and ensure nothing transpires without her being aware. Now that Ancios’ origin is known, I have a resume to update.