
BErTiSSta was created to represent the Enterprise Technical Support Services (therefore the ETSS incorporated in his name). In a previous lifetime, I was both a tech and a manager that fell under this group. While I can never hope to capture everything that the people in this group do on a daily basis, I hope you can appreciate the ones I did.

First, in case you haven’t noticed, there is a slight coffee theme going on. Starting with his name, that rhymes with barista, you will notice his” Wireless Range Extender” at the top of his head looks kind of like a French Press plunger handle. His “Cranial Cooling Container” seems filled with coffee (there has been many times my own head felt like that). His “Retractable Appendages” may even have a slight similarity to milk steamers. His “Piece Parts Replicator” in his chest is meant to produce parts to assist in supporting users, but whose to say that doesn’t include coffee (or other liquids…).

His “Retractable Appendages” have 4 ports at the top of his body and 4 ports at the bottom, which means he could have a total of 8 appendages if required, because sometimes a tech is busy enough to use them all. His 360-degree speaker ring on his shoulders is to help users that just don’t seem to hear what he’s saying.

The front slots serve as laptop charging stations for those last-minute user requests for a meeting that they “just” realized they need a laptop for. It goes along with the storage bins on the side for quick access to the mice, keyboards, and batteries that everyone seems to need. He has a significantly larger bin in the back of his body for all the other miscellaneous items (what tech doesn’t have a junk drawer?? Please, do not mistake this with “junk in the trunk”).

At the bottom, just under the lower appendage ports, is an emergency thruster. This is only engaged when a request comes in from someone who can affect his paycheck. Below that is the Hover Base that is used for normal transportation. The four blades can be adjusted horizontally and vertically and can also serve as supplemental cooling when working in a data center or switch closet. To save power, the bottom appendages can be used as “legs” if BErTiSSta is stationary but needs more height.