
Jon-E is unique, in more ways than one. He is the first character I created that was not a member of the organization, was not requested as a group mascot, nor was his name created from the group he belongs to. Jon-E was created as an acknowledgment of someone who may not be down in the weeds in the technical, behind the scenes, operation of the enterprise infrastructure, but makes his own impact on ensuring that we maintain a cohesive, uniform method of governance throughout.

For those of you who know this person, and what his daily tasks include, you realize the construct of Jon-E captures the essence of what he does. From his “Profound Wisdom Portal” through which he expounds thoughts, advice, and constructive criticism, to his “Availability Display” which, to be honest, should be re-labelled to a “Non-Availability Display”, because if you were ever to look at his calendar you would not find many open slots (unless you include outside normal business hours and weekends). If you have ever listened to him in a meeting, trying to get multiple teams to come to a going-forward agreement, then you understand the need for both his “Anti-Grav Tap-dance Shoes” and his “Grey Area Visor”. His “Crisis Indicator” only starts changing if he senses that a path to agreement might not be achievable. His “Directional Thrusters” are self-explanatory, based on the different directions he is pulled in on any given day, which in turn explains the need for the “Reinforced Shoulders of Responsibility plating” and the “Pain in the neck deflector”, to assist with the multitude, and varied, helpful feedback he receives in the course of a day.